Acai and Anthocyanins

The dark purple color of acai berry is due to the polyphenolic compounds present. One of the main plant chemicals getting a lot of attention in Acai berry, is a compound called anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are a group of Flavonoids widely distributed in plants and lending a dark purple color to fruits acai berry in addition to the standard many vitamins and minerals found in acai berry.

Anthocyanins are naturally occurring compounds that impart color of Acai berry, Anthocyanins belong to a group of plant compounds called Flavonoids. Flavonoids are a subclass of plant polyphenols that may have antioxidant abilities and are being studied for their anticancer and anti-aging potential. Currently under investigation for their ability to inhibit LDL (the "bad") cholesterol, prevent blood clotting, and defend cells against dangerous carcinogens, Anthocyanins may prove to be significant compounds in human health.

Anthocyanins and Their Protective Properties:

Inflammation and Collagen:

Anthocyanins neutralize enzymes that destroy connective tissue. Their antioxidant capacity prevents oxidants from damaging connective tissues and repair damaged proteins in the blood-vessel walls.

The Nervous System:

By preventing tyrosine nitration, the Anthocyanin properties in Acai may help protect against neurological diseases. The primary Anthocyanins in Acai known as Cyanidin-3-glucoside have been found to help in the reversal of age related neurological deficits.

Large and Small Blood-Vessels:

Anthocyanins ability to counter oxidants make them a powerhouse in the fight against arteriosclerosis. Even in trace amounts, Anthocyanins effectively protect against LDL oxidation. Anthocyanins protect the integrity of the endothelial cells that line blood vessel walls and help to maintain micro capillary integrity. Diabetes: One of the serious diabetic complications is retinopathy, which in most cases can cause blindness. This condition occurs when the body attempts to repair leaking, damaged capillaries, but does so by over producing abnormal proteins. The protection of Anthocyanins may help prevent these capillaries from leaking and to help prevent abnormal protein proliferation.


Anthocyanins may also help improve eyesight by numerous mechanisms. In the Second World War, British fighter pilots were found to have improved night vision. These findings were thought to be contributed by the large amounts of bilberry in the pilot's diet. The effects of the improved night vision were not long lasting after the initial consumption of bilberry lasting just hours after initial consumption. With this new found advantage, the pilots would consume the bilberry fruits just prior to the mission.

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